When I was young, my father would explain to me that life happens in seasons, and each season brings unique struggles and successes, he would say. It was cautionary teaching to keep me humble during life’s highs and hopeful during the lows. It was a lesson that took me a while to fully understand, but I’ve clung to it over the years.
As I worked through school, I realized that school sort of happens in seasons, too — they’ve just been renamed quarters. And when quarters turned into semesters, I again redefined the seasons of my life.
Fall semester, spring semester, and summer.
I came to understand that some seasons may be filled with joy and others with struggle. So I began approaching each season of life differently, purposefully. I’ve been able to live a better life by doing so.
Approaching each season of life with intention has allowed me to enjoy a wider variety of foods, experiences, and personalities. Each seasonal version of myself operates in a different environment that requires different habits, interests, and responsibilities. I’ve been able to explore the different variations of myself and all that comes with them. This approach has also allowed me to develop greater resilience, grit, and adaptability to weather seasons of uncertainty.