First Take 00
Writing is something that I love to do. Or at least something that I tell others I love to do. However, in reality, I rarely write. I dream up stories and essays and satire pieces, writing bits and pieces in my head — but never putting pen to paper. It hasn’t always been like this, once upon a time I could sit down and write for hours, about nothing, about everything.
So, instead of continuing this sad cycle, I’ve decided to act out against it. For the entirety of this year, I will sit down every day and write for 15 minutes. Whatever is written at the end of those 15 minutes will be uploaded for public eyes. Uploaded, not for attention or recognition, but to create a sense of ownership.
Some days, the upload may be an eloquent piece about my theory on life. The next it might be a jumbled rant about the traffic on my way home from work. It could be an unfinished short story, a snip-it from one of my course papers, or simply my response to a thought-provoking quote I stumbled upon. Uploads may be a single word or no words at all.
The upload is not important. It never really is.
This is about sitting with myself. Taking ownership. Expressing my thoughts.
Here’s to writing.